Tagliattele de spanac cu sos rosu [Spinach tagliattele in red sauce]

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200 g tagliatelle cu spanac (10 ghemotoace Barilla)
150-200 g kaiser
5 cepe verzi
1 conserva rosii (decojite) intregi in bulion
1 capatana de usturoi
4 linguri ulei de masline sau cat e nevoie
150 g parmezan
cimbru proaspat
busuioc proaspat

Cepele si usturoiul se curata si se toaca marunt, apoi se calesc in ulei la foc iute, mai intai ceapa, dupa 3-4 minute se adauga si usturoiul, intregul amestec se mai lasa inca un minut. Se adauga kaiserul peste ceapa si usturoi si se lasa pana se schimba putin la culoare. Apoi se pun rosiile taiate in 4, un praf de sare si piper. Se lasa la foc mic cam 5 de minute, dupa care se adauga cimbrul si busuiocul proaspat.

Intre timp se pun pastele la fiert (conform indicatiilor de pe ambalaj) in apa clocotita cu putina sare si celelalte 2 linguri cu ulei. Cand sunt gata, se scurg bine de apa intr-o sita, apoi se pun pe un platou si deasupra se pune compozitia de rosii, usturoi si kaiser. Se presara totul cu parmezan, si se decoreaza cu cateva frunze de cimbru si busuioc proaspat rupte.

Savurati cu placere si Pofta buna!


200 gr spinach tagliattele (10 Barilla balls)
150-200 gr Kaiser
5 spring onions
1 tin whole peeled tomatoes in sauce
7-8 garlic cloves
about 4 tablespoons olive oil
150 gr Parmesan
fresh thyme
fresh basil

Chop the onions and the garlic finely and cook in 2 tbs olive oil over large heat, first the onion and after 3-4 minutes add the garlic. Cook for one more minute.
Add the Kaiser and cook until changes color. Add the tomatoes cut in quarters, the salt and pepper. Cook over low heat for about 5 minutes then add the thyme and the basil.

Meanwhile, cook the pasta in boiled water with salt and 2 tbs of olive oil. When ready, strain it well and place it on a plate. Add on top the sauce of tomatoes, Kaiser and garlic. Sprinkle the parmesan and decorate with a few leaves of fresh thyme and basil.


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